Giving up alcohol is never easy, whether you’re removing it from your life for good, or you just want a break for a couple of weeks.
The addictive nature of the substance makes it challenging, to the point where many of us have to seek help from the dozens of private alcohol rehab centres UK wide.
When it comes to giving up the booze, we need all the help we can get, whether that be through therapy, support groups or even the things we eat. A healthy and balanced diet plays a big part in reducing cravings and putting your physical and mental health in the best possible place to go alcohol free and reducing cravings for it.
But while there are plenty of things we should eat as part of that, there are things we should avoid too. So, if you are considering giving up alcohol, here are five foods you should avoid to ensure cravings are at a minute.
Sugary Foods
One of the biggest culprits in triggering alcohol cravings is sugar. That’s because sugar, like alcohol, activates the brain’s reward system and as a result provides a dopamine hit of satisfaction.
As this feeling can be likened to the same you get when drinking alcohol, it can lead to a higher desire for it. Therefore, removing sugary snacks from your diet is integral and you should avoid it at all costs.
Salty Snacks
The same applies with salty foods such as crisps and salted nuts, alongside other salty, processed snacks. This is largely down to the fact that these snacks will make us thirsty and many of us associate a packet of crisps or bag of pork scratchings with a pint of beer at the pub.
While you shouldn’t necessarily give up snacking, you should opt for low-sodium snacks like unsalted nuts and fresh fruit, as well as the many great recipes out there, which will satisfy your hunger but not also leave you craving.
Fried and Greasy Foods
Fried food is one of the worst for bringing on alcohol cravings. Greasy food is full of unhealthy fats which cause inflammation and disrupt the body’s natural hormone balance.
As a result, the likes of stress and anxiety become more likely, and what is stress a huge trigger of? Alcohol consumption, of course.
Similarly to sugary snacks, we often pair fried foods with alcohol too, which could cause cravings through association, so they are well worth avoiding.
Caffeine-Rich Foods and Drinks
Caffeine stimulates the central nervous system, which can lead to anxiety and restlessness, something many people turn to alcohol to soothe.
Therefore it can be important to cut back on the likes of coffee, tea, chocolate and caffeine loaded energy drinks to try and reduce those cravings.
Opting for decaffeinated options can be useful, while herbal teas are caffeine free and many have calming properties to them.
High-Carbohydrate Foods
Refined carbohydrates, such as white bread, pasta, and pastries, can also contribute to alcohol cravings. These foods cause a rapid spike in blood sugar levels, followed by a crash, which can leave you feeling tired, irritable, and in need of a quick pick-me-up. For some, that pick-me-up comes in the form of alcohol.
The brain craves the instant energy boost that these carbs provide, and when that boost fades, it may start to crave the fast-acting effects of alcohol. To avoid this, choose complex carbohydrates like whole grains, vegetables, and legumes, which provide a steady release of energy, maintain balanced blood sugar levels and keep you alcohol free during your sobriety challenge.