Sports legends spend most of their lives training to put on a good show and achieve their goals. While they look like they are supermen and women, the reverse is the case. They bruise as easily as you do. From Owen Hart, who fell from a high wall to Kobe Bryant, who died in a helicopter crash, here are sports legends who have been in accidents.
Annie Tagoe
The British track and field star had a brush with death in 2024. She crashed her car on her way from New York and thought she would not survive. When the police arrived, they didn’t believe that they would find anyone alive, but there she was.
The athlete is still pretty banged up but is set to make a full recovery. She can contact auto accident lawyers to know her chances of securing compensation for her injuries.
Kobe Bryant
The entire world wept when Kobe Bryant passed away. The basketball baller was on a helicopter with his daughter and other passengers. He was on a trip to Thousand Oaks when the helicopter lost control and crashed in Los Angeles.
There were no survivors after the crash. Kobe had planned to coach his daughter’s basketball team, as she had shown great promise in the game. Sadly, she would never grow up to realize those dreams.
Joaquim Agostinho
The story of Joaquim Agostinho is even more tragic than the last. Agostinho had trained his entire life to reach his cycling goals. At the time, he had finished the prestigious Tour de France 12 times. Then, in 1984, during his last lap, the racer was suddenly blocked by a stray dog. He tried to avoid it but couldn’t and eventually crashed.
Agostinho fell head first and was injured, but still managed to complete the race. He underwent surgery later but passed away from a skull fracture after ten days.
Owen Hart
In the wrestling world, there have been some crazy accidents but none beats Owen Hart’s. The wrestler was supposed to be lowered from a high platform of around fifty feet in 1999. While he was still high in the air, a cable snapped and sent him tumbling down. The wrestler hit his head and died.
There were some debates about how he really died, with some saying he thought he had been strapped on, but he was not. Other eyewitnesses thought it was a prank because Hart was very playful. Unfortunately, it was not.
Adam Johnson
Hockey player Adam Johnson played his last game in the 2023 season against the Sheffield Steelers. During the hockey game, Johnson and another opponent crashed into each other, and he dropped to the ground bleeding. Apparently, his opponent had slashed his neck by mistake during the crash.
The match was stopped, and he had to be hospitalized. Sadly, Johnson passed away from the injury. His death led to new rules about neckguards to prevent it from happening again. His opponent was also arrested at some point while it was investigated.